E-MU Formula 4000 Vol. 5

E-MU - Formula 4000 Vol. 5 - Protozoa
This CD from the Formula 4000 Series (Volume 5) features the complete Sound ROMs and premier 128 presets from each of E-MU’s finest sound modules, all rolled into one CD-ROM! For the first time, the actual audio data used in the modules is presented here in ready-to-roll sampler format. Dial-up, play, edit and warp and real-time control those famous module sounds inside your E-MU E4XT Ultra sampler. Total Control!

Compatible with E4 Ultras, EOS and ESI Samplers (Non-Ultra EOS samplers require EOS Classic 4.0 or above. ESI-32 requires 3.02 operating system).

Bank Listing

01. Proteus1PresetsX
02. Proteus1InstrmtX
03. Proteus2PresetsX
04. Proteus2InstrmtX
05. Proteus3PresetsX
06. Proteus3InstrmtX
07. Vintage PresetsX
08. Vintage InstrmtX
09. Vintage+InstrmtX
10. Orbit Presets X
11. Orbit Presets 4k
12. Orbit Instrmt X
13. Phatt Presets X
14. Phatt Presets 4K
15. Phatt Instrmt X